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Multiple Collection  /  Exhibition Catalog




Multiple collection

Exhibition catalog

2019年からスタートした RINKO-KAKU【茶室】projectは、 美術の社会的役割を再考する継続的な“チャリティー”として、展覧会カタログ、 及び各アーティスト の限定作品を納めた”マルティプル集”を制作して参りました。





これらのマルティプル集の売上の一部は [ウクライナ緊急アート基金] および [公益社会団法人ハ タチ基金] に寄付されます。国際的な緊急事態に見舞われている社会情勢の中で、美術の役割として微力な がら社会支援の一助になれば幸いです。 皆様のご協力をお願い申し上げます。

【寄付先】  : 公益社団法人 ハタチ基金

【使用用途】 : 東日本大震災で大きく被災した、宮城・岩手・福島3県の0歳から20歳までの各年代のの子供達に支援を届けます。

【寄付先2】:ウクライナアート基金(Ukrainian Emergency Art Fund)


The RINKO-KAKU [Tea Room] project, which started in 2019, is an ongoing 'charity project' that rethinks the social role of art. The project has produced an exhibition catalogue and a collection of limited-edition works by each artist. This year, in addition to the ongoing support for children affected by the Great East Japan Earth-quake, the project will also provide cultural assistance to Ukraine, albeit in a very small way, in view of the damage caused by the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

As a "charity project" for two purposes: to support art and culture in Ukraine and to support the recovery from the Great East Japan Earthquake, the exhibition catalogue and a catalogue with a limited edition of each artist's work are available for sale and pre-order.

A portion of the proceeds from the sale of these books will be donated to the Ukrainian Emergency Art Fund and the Hataqi Fund. In the context of the international emergency situation, we hope that art can play a small role in supporting society. We would like to ask for your cooperation.

Donations to ①】:

Hatachi Foundation, a public interest incorporated association.

【intended use】

Support is delivered to children aged 0-20 in Miyagi, Iwate and Fukushima, 

which were severely affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake.

【Donations to ②】Ukrainian Emergency Art Fund

【intended use】Used to ensure the continuation and development of Ukraine's cultural processes during the war and to provide temporary financial assistance to cultural figures or scholarships for up to 3 months.


Email: | Tel: 090-7207-5435

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